CD ratio rises by 8 percent, reaches 83 percent
CD ratio rises by 8 percent, reaches 83 percent
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Financial institutions in the district disbursed Rs 1,006 crore under three major sectors of priority sector, ..

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Financial institutions in the district disbursed Rs 1,006 crore under three major sectors of priority sector, against the target of Rs  5,393 crore in 2011-12, the second district-level review committee on banking, convened here today, revealed. The achievement has been positioned at 19 per cent of the targeted amount. Under agricultural sector, banks disbursed Rs 611 crore against a target of Rs 2,176 crore, recording an achievement of 28 per cent.Under services sector, banks disbursed Rs 364 crore, against  the target of Rs 2,865 crore and in the non-farming sector, which includes industrial credit, disbursement was Rs 31 crore. Banks like IOB, Canara Bank, Syndicate Bank, UBI, Indian Bank, CSB, BOB and TMB have achieved more than the achievement in the district-level. SBT and South Indian Bank achieved 18 per cent of the target. TDCB and SCBs together disbursed Rs 3,293.84 crore, against a target of Rs 1,288.26 crore (26 per cent). Performance of KSCARDB is  not up to the mark. Total bank deposits in the district stood  at  Rs 32,327 crore and advances Rs 26,704 crore. The Credit-Deposit Ratio for the district is 83 per cent. In the last quarter, it was only 75 per cent. Banks in the district have an outstanding of Rs 819 crore under Kisan Credit Card Scheme. Bank loans under Education Loan sector is Rs 917 crore as on June 30 this year. Up to 31-3-2009, it was only Rs 443.20 crore. Under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in the priority sector, bank loan outstanding is Rs 2,224 crore in the district. In the Agricultural sector, the performance of Canara Bank, IOB,  SBT, UBI, Federal Bank, Indian Bank, Syndicate Bank, SIB and CSB is above 25 per cent. Bankers are extending good support in the implementation of NREGS in the district, going by the fact that more than two lakh new SB accounts were opened for crediting wages of workers. Under the Prime Minister’s Employment  Generation  Programme (PMEGP), Flagship Scheme of KVIB, KESRU and Job Club schemes of Employment Exchange and under various schemes of District Industries Centre, the task force meeting was completed and applications were forwarded to banks.In Swarnajayanthi Grama Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) Scheme being implemented in the block- level for providing bank finance, including subsidy for poverty eradication, banks sanctioned the first lot of applications and disbursed loans before September 30, under the 100 Days Programme of the State Government. For smooth implementation of SJSRY scheme for self-employment and ISHUP Scheme for extending bank loans for housing in Municipal and Corporation areas, Lead Bank has convened meetings in Urban Local Bodies. The Rural Self-Employment Training Institute (RSETI) opened in the city by IOB with the help of Central and State Governments is giving training in entrepreneurship & skill development free of cost, especially for women, for taking up self-employment ventures. Mobile phone repairing course, Auto-driving course for women and Car driving course will commence this week. Revenue recovery (RR) in the district has been made online. RR Melas will be conducted in December and in January - February 2012 for recovering the dues on bank loans. Separate Recovery Melas will be conducted for SGSY & PMRY schemes. Under Financial Inclusion, 10 unbanked villages were allotted to banks in our district for providing banking facility and all of them completed the process by providing Banking Correspondent or  by opening of new branches. Inaugurating the meet, A Sampath MP urged banks to open more branches in rural and  semi-urban areas. Banks should deliver more credit for the development of the district. He requested banks to devise schemes for encouraging saving habit among students. He also requested bankers to increase credit flow to women. Indira Padmini, Chief Regional Manager, IOB & Convenor, Lead Bank, gave the introductory address. P Thomas, Assistant General  Manager,  Reserve Bank of India and K T Thrivikraman, District Development Officer, NABARD, reviewed the performance of banks. V R Muralidhar, Lead District Manager, R Gireesh Kumar, Senior Manager, Lead Bank and officials of various banks and government departments  spoke.

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