Cow Protection Movement Not Against Muslims, Christians: RSS
Cow Protection Movement Not Against Muslims, Christians: RSS
"Confusion is being created with regard to the cow protection movement. It is not directed against Muslims and Christians. It is linked to the pride of the nation. A communal colour is being given to it unnecessarily," Joshi said.

Meerut: RSS general secretary Suresh Bhaiyyaji Joshi on Monday said the cow protection movement is not directed against Muslims and Christians and that it is being given a communal color "unnecessarily".

He said demands related to "caste, region and language cannot bring about a change in society but Hindutva can".

"Confusion is being created with regard to the cow protection movement. It is not directed against Muslims and Christians. It is linked to the pride of the nation. A communal colour is being given to it unnecessarily," Joshi said in Meerut.

"We need to make the people aware about those who spread canards about cow protection and fan tension by giving a communal color to such issues," he said.

Joshi also stressed the need to bring about a change in the mindset to check the menace of female infanticide, untouchability, dowry, pollution, etc.

"Enacting laws is not a solutions to such problems," he said.

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