Horoscope Today, October 3, 2021: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction For Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius And Other Zodiac Signs
Horoscope Today, October 3, 2021: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction For Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius And Other Zodiac Signs
Horoscope Today, October 3, 2021: Leo, be open as an opportunity meant for you is approaching, while Scorpio put your new ideas to action and get to work

Today on Sunday, October 3, Aries must conserve their energy because things are shifting down. Taurus, let it go as not much can be done today. Gemini, what you have been waiting for will finally arrive. Cancer, talk to a family member if you want to start a new life path. Leo, be open as an opportunity meant for you is approaching. Keep plugging at things Virgo because continued effort is key and you will get somewhere soon. Libra pay attention as things are easing up for you.

Scorpio put your new ideas to action and get to work. Sagittarius, you may feel inspiration so keep an open mind. Big decisions await you Capricorn so make sure you sort them out. Aquarius use your valuable skills to help others. Be prepared as you are approaching a turning point Pisces.

Aries: (March 21- April 19)

Aries will get help to integrate any hovering changes head on

The universe is giving lessons on relationships today. It will get easy to feel moody over different attitudes towards emotional intimacy in partnerships. You will get help to integrate any hovering changes head on. Your sign is ruled by planet Mars and the colours orange and red will be your guide. Your lucky numbers are 8 and 1 and lucky alphabets are L, A and E.

Taurus: (April 20- May 20)

Taurus will get help to release pent-up feelings

The cosmic landscape is pushing you towards transformative action. A potent planetary pairing offers you an invigorating chance to lean into relationship changes but in an integration-focused fashion. You will get help to release pent-up feelings. Venus planet will rule your sign and white colour will be your guide. Numbers 2 and 7 and alphabets B, V, and U bring you luck.

Gemini: (May 21- June 20)

Gemini must aim their focus at relationship

Aim your focus at your relationship alongside workflow. The cosmos is ensuring you prioritise your values in your job today. The planetary landscape nudges your intimate relationships towards greater intimacy and growth. Your lucky numbers are 6 and 3 and the yellow colour will be your guide. As your sign is ruled by planet Mercury, alphabets K, C, G will prove lucky.

Cancer: (June 21- July 22)

Cancer need to focus on their romantic life

Focus on your romantic life. Assess if you are satisfied or is there a need for some sprucing up? The cosmos illuminates what needs adjusting. Additionally, the energy will help you breathe fresh life into intimate equations and open up doors to honest discussions. Colour milky white will become favourable as the Moon rules your sign. Number 4 and Alphabets D and H bring in luck.

Leo: (July 23- August 23)

Leo, turn to colour golden for luck

Tap into your own needs today. It is imperative you acknowledge your sense of independence as the universe simultaneously highlights any family bonds that deeper healing. You will get help to embrace transformation around intimate bonds. Turn to colour golden for luck. Your sign is ruled by the Sun and Number 5 is lucky for you. Alphabets M and T will turn things in your favour.

Virgo: (August 23- September 22)

Ideal day for Virgo to spend time in shell today

Ideal day to spend time in your shell today. The cosmos encourages you to catch up and reconnect with spirituality. The universe can evoke emotional conversations in intimate partnerships. You are encouraged to embrace the changes before you. Number 8 and 3 will be your guide and the green colour is lucky for you. Your sign is ruled by the planet Mercury and alphabets T, P, and N will assist you.

Libra: (September 23- October 22)

Libra must embrace the changes around them

The universe encourages you to embrace the changes around your family front and pushes you to evolve. The powerful pairing of the planet supports you to embrace a healing approach towards past issues. You will get help to release pent up feelings. Light colours will enhance your personality as planet Venus rules your sign. Alphabets R and T and numbers 2 and 7 will assist you.

Scorpio: (October 23- November 21)

Bright colours will favour Scorpio today

The cosmos will see your review your place in the world. The current pairing may increase irritable moods, especially around relationships and issues of me vs. we. Healing conversations will be encouraged and clear the air of any dormant tensions. Bright colours will help you and your lucky numbers 8 and 1. Planet Mars rules your sign and alphabets Y and N will be your guide.

Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)

Numbers 9 and 12 may be lucky for Sagittarius today

You are caught up in old relationship baggage. The cosmos highlights what needs changing around your sense of self-worth and self-confidence when it comes to opening up in love. You will get help to channel your feelings into a better outlet. Numbers 9 and 12 and alphabets B, D and P are lucky for you. Yellow colour will ease your mind and Jupiter rules your sign.

Capricorn: (December 22- January 19)

Capricorn, will be more vulnerable today than usual

The universe is urging you to evolve in a new capacity. The current phase will find you more vulnerable than usual. Any pent up emotions around intimacy will be released. A chance to enact long-lasting changes will be offered in close partnerships. Luck will be on your side with alphabets K and J. Numbers 10 and 11 and deep colours will assist you as Saturn rules your sign.

Aquarius: (January 20- February 18)

An emotional day for Aquarius

You will get help from the energy in the planet to breathe new life into your ongoing relationship story. Your attention will be demanded by the emotional give-and-take you do with others. Any tensions needed acknowledging will offer opportunities to wipe the slate clean. Alphabets G and S and numbers 10 and 11 will support you. Saturn rules your sign as deep colours will be lucky for you.

Pisces: (February 19- March 20)

Colour yellow will guide Pisces as Jupiter rules your sign

If you don’t kick yourself into action, you can’t make your dreams happen. If you’re not careful, you will get locked into a world of harmless, lazy fantasies. You will get help to acknowledge obstacles in the way of your ambitions. Numbers 9 and12 and alphabets D, C, J and T will be lucky for you. Colour yellow will guide you as Jupiter rules your sign.

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