Indian-American Christian Group Urges Trump to Meet Community Members During India Visit
Indian-American Christian Group Urges Trump to Meet Community Members During India Visit
Members of the Indian Christian communities in the US feel compelled to bring few issues of concerns about the safety and security of Christians in India to his attention.

Washington: An Indian-American Christian group has voiced its concerns about the safety and security of Christians in India and urged President Donald Trump to meet the minority community members during his maiden trip to the country next week.

President Trump will pay a state visit to India on February 24 and 25 at the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

"We fully agree with your policy of forging a strong bilateral relationship with India which is an emerging global power that shares the same core values of democratic principles," the Federation of Indian American Christian Organisations of North America or FIACONA wrote in a letter to Trump.

However, members of the Indian Christian communities in the US, the FIACONA said, feel compelled to bring few issues of concerns about the safety and security of Christians in India to his attention.

"Today, Christians across India are living in fear. Pastors, social workers, and ordinary Christians are arrested, tortured, or killed. Christian properties are burnt or destroyed by supporters" of the ruling party, it claimed.

"We also urge you to meet with selected leaders of the Christian community in India as a show of support to the freedom of conscience and religion in India on this historic occasion," said the letter dated February 18 and signed by FIOCANA president Koshy George and chairman John Prabhudoss.

Meanwhile, Rhodes J Nerren, from Tennessee, has written a letter to Trump seeking the release of her husband Pastor Bryan Nerren who has been detained in India for the past four months now.

Indian police has accused him of carrying large amount of cash. He is being represented in India by American Centre for Law and Justice.

"I recognise your steadfast efforts to ensure his safe return home and have shared your letter with my staff," Trump wrote in a letter to Rhonda on January 27.

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