Is Jennifer Aniston six months pregnant ?
Is Jennifer Aniston six months pregnant ?
Jennifer Aniston has recently been spotted with a bump and has had the rumour mills turning.

London: Jennifer Aniston has recently been spotted with a bump and it is said that the actress is six-month pregnant with her first child.

The 42-year-old who has spoken frequently of her desire for children, was seen last week with a noticeable bump which she tried to conceal under a wide coat, reports Britain's Look magazine.

"She wouldn't have wanted to make a big deal but she must be so excited," showbizspy quoted a source as saying.

"If anyone ever asked if she was worried about running out of time, she'd reply, 'I'm absolutely having kids there's not one doubt in my mind'," the source added.

Aniston is currently dating actor Justin Theroux.

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