Mission Paani: Who is to Blame for The Worsening Water Crisis in India?
Mission Paani: Who is to Blame for The Worsening Water Crisis in India?
India is already struggling with water scarcity in multiple regions, and this struggle will only intensify if changes are not made today.

According to a United Nations Human Rights report, the world is fast approaching a ‘climate apartheid’ where only the wealthy will be able to afford basic resources in the face of fatal droughts, famines and heatwaves.

India is already struggling with water scarcity in multiple regions, and this struggle will only intensify if changes are not made today. Let’s explore a few causes that are draining India of its precious freshwater resources.

A rapid increase in population, urbanisation and industrialisation has pushed the demand for water. The massive influx of people from rural areas to cities will push this demand further as urban dwellers consume more water as compared to their rural counterparts.

Declining Groundwater Resources

Groundwater, which makes up for 40 per cent of the country’s freshwater supply, has been steadily depleting for years. According to recent expert studies, 21 Indian cities are bound to run out of ground water in the next few years.

Pollution of Water Bodies

Release of chemicals, effluents, industrial/urban waste, and sewage into lakes, rivers and estuaries has polluted freshwater resources at an alarming rate. Eutrophication of surface water is also expected to increase in the near future.

Uneven Distribution of Water

Some regions of India have excessive water while others are facing perennial drought. A lack of efficient water management and distribution of water between urban consumers, the agriculture sector and industry is also a major cause for concern.

Lack of Desilting Operations

State governments have not given priority to on-time desilting operations in large water bodies which can significantly enhance water storage capacity during monsoon. These are a few causes for water scarcity in India that stick out like a sore thumb. It’s time for both government bodies and common citizens to take action to avert a major water crisis in India.

We must also keep a check on how we, in our homes and daily lives, can help save water. Activities like bathing, brushing teeth, cleaning utensils, etc. consume a loto water, which if used judiciously, can lessen the strain on the depleting water levels.

Network 18, in partnership with Harpic, has launched the Mission Paani initiative that aims to create awareness about the water crisis in India and provide solutions to tackle this issue. Many celebrities, government organisations and NGOs have already come out in support for the Mission Paani initiative.

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