Sheer callousness by Railways
Sheer callousness by Railways

Despite the rising number of train commuters at Ernakulam Junction Station, the railway authorities are yet to fulfil their promise of filling up the five vacant posts at the ticket counters here.

The Southern Railways Mazdoor Union (SRMU) staged a protest on Friday against the Railways’ callous attitude towards filling up the vacancies which is putting the commercial clerks in the station under huge stress. “Because of the hectic job, it has affected the relationship between us and the passengers. Many of us are falling victims to the passengers’ ire,” said M K Salim, commercial clerks’ convenor of the SRMU.

The members also said that in the past a few  passengers had been injured while boarding train. “During inquiry they said that they had been waiting for a long time in the queue and was hence forced to run to catch the train.”

The members also alleged that the authorities were looking at reasons to cut short the existing staff. “A few staff have been suspended because they had failed to deliver for a few minutes. We have been informed that the DRM was keeping a tab on all the tickets being delivered through a certain networking system. However, even though many cases have been genuine, owing to the lack of staff, suspensions and punishments have become common,” he said.

The members also demanded that the management immediately provide them sufficient stationery to function. “The printers are not in proper working condition. This becomes difficult during issuing of tickets. We also don’t receive timely and adequate stationery items,” they alleged.

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