Top 10 Annaisms: All I have is a bed and a plate
Top 10 Annaisms: All I have is a bed and a plate
"We should make this a law that if you lose the election then you should not be allowed to contest again."

New Delhi: Anna Hazare said he will work for the betterment of the country as long as he is alive and won't mind dying to achieve his goal. Speaking at the MMRDA grounds in Mumbai after starting his three-day fast demanding a strong Lokpal bill, Hazare said though he had fever, the people's support was motivating him to go on.

Here are the ten best quotes from Hazare, that we call Annaisms, from the MMRDA grounds.

10: "I've been fighting against corruption for the last five years and I own nothing. I only have a plate, a bed and some space inside a temple to sleep. I've not visited my family in the last 35 years. But now the whole country is my family."

9: "I have not married. Will not get married. I will continue fighting for my nation."

8: "Bhagat Singh is with me. I am not scared of death. I have decided that when I die it will be for the country and as long as I live I will work for the betterment of this country."

7: "We should make this a law that if you lose the election then you should not be allowed to contest again."

6: "We should campaign against the govt in the general elections to teach them a lesson."

5: "Government has betrayed us for money and power. They have done this to Ramdev Baba too, I have invited Baba Ramdev to join us and fight with us, he will come tomorrow or day after tomorrow to fight with us against corruption."

4: "Government ka naak dabana chahiye jab tak mooh nahi khulta." (The government should be held by the nose till it opens its mouth for air.)

3: "Before the elections, we will tell the country to save the treasury from the guards not thieves."

2: "People sitting in Parliament are culprits. Goondas are coming to politics."

1: "From the past three days I am not having food. Doctors say am having temperature today. I have decided to sacrifice my life for my nation."####Twitter buzz on Anna Hazare

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