Use Home-made Masks, Help Poor: In Battle Against Covid-19, PM Modi Wants Every Indian to Make These 7 Promises
Use Home-made Masks, Help Poor: In Battle Against Covid-19, PM Modi Wants Every Indian to Make These 7 Promises
In a televised address to the nation, Modi said implementation of the lockdown will be strictly ensured in coming days to ensure that the virus does not spread to new areas.

New Delhi: Announcing extension of coronavirus lockdown till May 3 with stricter curbs for a week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday mentioned seven promises that he requested every Indian to make for battling the deadly virus.

The seven promises are:

1) Take care of elders, especially the ones who have existing ailments - The PM's first pledge focuses on care for senior citizens, especially those with weaker immune systems, as they have been identified as the most vulnerable group to coronavirus. The government had on Monday also released a special advisory related to 16 crore senior citizens in India, asking them not to go to markets or for routine health check-ups.

2) Follow social distancing: Earlier too, in his first 'Mann ki Baat' after annuncing the 21-day lockdown, PM Modi stressed upon "increasing social distancing but reducing emotional distancing".

3) Use home-made masks or face covers: This is the second time that PM Modi has sent across the message of using face shields made at home. During th April 11 meeting with chief ministers through video conferencing, the prime minister was seen wearing a gamcha — a cotton scarf he usually wears — as a face cover for the first time in public.

5) Take as much care of poor families as you can, especially try to fulfill their food requirements - The lockdown has had a devastating impact on the lives of migrant and daily-wage workers who live hand-to-mouth, who have been caught unawares as the Indian economy virtually shut down. According to a survey, 92.5 per cent of labourers have already lost work ranging from one week to three weeks and over 40 per cent do not have ration for more than a day.

6) Be compassionate towards the people who work with you in your business or industry. Do not deprive them of their livelihood - The Prime Minister made an appeal to not cut jobs or stop pay of employees amid reports that millions of Indians are staring at job losses due to the economic shock of the coronavirus. Initial estimates of job data show that the coronavirus pandemic could have caused unemployment to rise to 23.4 percent.

In a televised address to the nation, Modi said implementation of the lockdown will be strictly ensured in coming days to ensure that the virus does not spread to new areas.

The prime minister said detailed guidelines on implementation of the new lockdown will be announced on Wednesday. Some relaxations may be allowed after April 20 in places where there is no hotspot, he said.

He said India has managed to contain the spread of infection well due to its holistic approach in dealing with the crisis and sacrifices made by people of the country in the fight produced positive results.

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