Opinion | Why US Rolls Out The Red Carpet For Prime Minister Modi
Opinion | Why US Rolls Out The Red Carpet For Prime Minister Modi
PM Narendra Modi’s visit to the US marks a significant milestone as he becomes the third world leader to be invited for a state visit, following France’s Emmanuel Macron and South Korea’s Yoon Suk Yeo under Biden’s presidency

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s state visit to the United States from June 21-24, 2023, is generating immense anticipation and excitement. The invitation extended by US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden is a testament to the growing importance of the India-US partnership in today’s world, characterised by geopolitical shifts, emerging threats, and shared concerns. This historic visit will focus on key areas of cooperation, encompassing defence and strategic ties, healthcare collaborations, technology advancements, environmental conservation, renewable energy, and knowledge exchange in education.

PM Modi’s visit marks a significant milestone as he becomes the third world leader to be invited for a state visit, following France’s Emmanuel Macron and South Korea’s Yoon Suk Yeo under Biden’s presidency. The event showcases India’s rising global stature and the pivotal role it plays in global affairs. Despite having visited the US on six occasions since assuming office in 2014 and engaging with three US presidents — Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden — this state visit holds a special place for PM Modi. State visits are typically reserved for heads of state, not heads of government, making this invitation an extraordinary honour that highlights the charisma and allure PM Modi commands on the international stage.

The visit has commenced with PM Modi leading the International Day of Yoga celebration at the United Nations Headquarters in New York today, i.e. June 21. Yoga, an ancient Indian tradition that has become a global phenomenon, serves as a unifying force, fostering compassion and well-being. Its holistic approach, benefiting billions worldwide, brings people together and promotes a balanced mind, body, and soul. This celebration will highlight India’s rich cultural heritage and its profound contributions to the world.

In addition to the UN event, PM Modi will engage with business leaders in New York to explore opportunities for enhancing the Indo-US trade and investment relationship while fortifying global supply chains. Recognising the pivotal role played by the Indian-American community in fostering bilateral ties, PM Modi will also meet with the vibrant diaspora at the Ronald Reagan Centre. This interaction will showcase the Indian diaspora’s achievements and contributions to both Indian and American societies, further strengthening people-to-people linkages.

The visit’s agenda includes crucial bilateral discussions, delegation-level talks, and press statements, paving the way for significant announcements. On June 22, Joe and Jill Biden will host PM Modi at a grand state dinner, an exquisite display of American hospitality. The state dinner, meticulously planned by the White House, marks the pinnacle of the state visit and offers an opportunity for the leaders to deepen their personal bonding and understanding.

PM Modi’s itinerary also encompasses a momentous address to the Joint Session of the US Congress on June 22. With a history of bipartisan support for India-US relations, the US Congress serves as a significant platform for PM Modi to share his vision for the future of the partnership. Notably, he will become the first Indian leader to address the US Congress twice, an esteemed recognition that places him alongside revered global leaders like Nelson Mandela.

Anchored in the shared values of democracy, diversity, and freedom, the Indo-US ties are poised to be reinforced as both nations confront common global challenges. Through high-level engagements, strategic dialogues, and enthusiastic participation from various sectors, Prime Minister Modi’s state visit promises to leave a lasting impact on the bilateral relationship, opening new avenues for cooperation which would shape the global order.

The author is director of research at New Delhi-based think tank Centre for Integrated and Holistic Studies (CIHS). He tweets @imrahulpawa. Views expressed are personal.

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