Ukraine War: The 'Myers-Briggs Personality Types' of Putin, Zelensky & Biden. Are You Like Them?
Ukraine War: The 'Myers-Briggs Personality Types' of Putin, Zelensky & Biden. Are You Like Them?
Explained: On the 1 year anniversary of the Ukraine war, a look at the MBTI personality types of major players - Zelensky, Putin and Biden

In any case, there has been a lot of focus on the major characters of this war. A part of the future course may also be determined by their personality types; it will determine the course they may take. Here, we take a look at the personality types of the two major players – Putin and Zelensky.

While determining the personality type of these leaders is speculation (there is no way to truly determine their type unless they take the test themselves), one can draw assumptions through their years in public life and displayed characterestics, and decisions.

For the purpose of this article, we will look at their MBTI personality types.

About the MBTI Test:

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire used in personality typology to identify different psychological preferences in how people see the environment and make decisions. Despite its popularity, the scientific community generally regards it as pseudoscience, various reports say.

The exam seeks to assign a value to each of the following four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving.

The MBTI was created by two Americans, Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, who were inspired by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s book Psychological Types. Isabel Myers was attracted by the concept of introversion and identified as an INFP. She felt the book was too complex for the general public, so she attempted to organise the Jungian cognitive functions to make it more approachable.


As per Personality Database, which compiles the MBTI personality types of leaders, famous actors and more going by user votes, Putin is an ISTP. However, some have also characterised him as an ISTJ.

A look at both:


As per 16 Personalities, an ISTP is characterised as a ‘Virtuoso’: someone who is Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting. They have an autonomous perspective and pursue goals without much external connection. They approach life with curiosity and personal skill, altering their approach as needed, the report says.

Attributed as having mechanical tendencies, the report also says the ISTP type can store a lot of impulsive energy. “While their mechanical tendencies can make them appear simple at a glance, Virtuosos are actually quite enigmatic. Friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, Virtuoso personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. Virtuosos can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions,” it says.

Who Else is an ISTP?

  • Olivia Wilde
  • Bear Grylls
  • Michael Jordan
  • Clint Eastwood

And What About ISTJ?

Some also believe that Putin is an ISTJ personality type.

A Logistician (ISTJ) is a person who is introverted, observant, thinking, and judging. These people are quiet yet determined, having a logical outlook on life. They meticulously plan their acts and carry them out methodically, says the report by 16 Personalities.

Logisticians take pride in their honesty. Individuals with this personality type mean what they say, and when they say they will do something, they do it.

This personality type accounts for a sizable segment of the population, and while they are not particularly spectacular or attention-seeking, they contribute much to keeping society on a solid, secure foundation.

Other Examples of ISTJ:

  • Sting
  • Denzel Washington
  • Angela Merkel
  • Natalie Portman


As per Personality Database, Zelensky is determined as a ENTP type, going by the majority netizen vote.

About ENTP

Attributed to be the Debater, the ENTP personality type, as per 16 Personalities, are quick-witted and brazen. Debaters aren’t hesitant to argue with the established quo. In fact, they aren’t scared to disagree with anyone or anything. Few things excite persons with this personality type more than a little of verbal sparring – and the more controversial the topic, the better, the report says.

“Nonetheless, it would be a mistake to think of Debaters as disagreeable or mean-spirited. People of this personality type, on the other hand, are informed and curious, with a light sense of humour, and they can be really entertaining”.

{Zelensky had a career in TV before taking up the presidency}

The Rebel

No one truly expected Zelensky to rise up to the challenge of the Ukraine war like he did. And according to what is thought to be his personality type, people from ENTP have a streak of going against the path normally established.

Debaters are known for their rebellious streak. For this personality type, no belief is too sacred to be questioned, no idea is too fundamental to be scrutinized, and no rule is too important to be broken, or at least thoroughly tested. Sometimes Debaters even rebel against their own beliefs by arguing the opposing viewpoint – just to see how the world looks from the other side.

As Debaters see it, most people are too ready to do as they’re told and blindly conform to social norms, pressures, and standards. Debaters enjoy the mental exercise of questioning the prevailing mode of thought, and they take a certain pleasure in uncovering the value of underdogs and outliers. Their active minds can’t help but rethink the things that everyone else takes for granted and push them in clever new directions.”

Who Else in ENTP?

  • Thomas Edison
  • Tom Hanks
  • Mark Twain



Let’s also take a look at the MBTI personality type of US President Joe Biden, who has emerged with continued support for Ukraine in the conflict.

As per Personality Database, most users think Biden is an ESFJ personality type.

About ESFJ:

Known as the Consul, (ESFJ) is a personality type who is Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging. They are alert and people-oriented, and they like participating in their social community. Their accomplishments are led by decisive principles, and they are eager to help others, 16 Personalities says.

Life is sweetest for Consuls when it is shared with others. Individuals with this personality type are the foundation of many communities, welcoming friends, loved ones, and neighbours into their homes – and their hearts.

This doesn’t mean that Consuls like everyone, or that they’re saints. But Consuls do believe in the power of hospitality and good manners, and they tend to feel a sense of duty to those around them. Generous and reliable, people with this personality type often take it upon themselves – in ways both large and small – to hold their families and their communities together.”

Other Famous ESFJ

  • Bill Clinton
  • Steve Harvey
  • Jennifer Lopez

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