Modi accuses Manmohan of financial excesses
Modi accuses Manmohan of financial excesses
Narendra Modi launched the BJP-Shiv Sena poll campaign in Pune.

Pune Gujarat Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Narendra Modi launched the BJP-Shiv Sena poll campaign by accusing Manmohan Singh government of indulging in financial excesses at a massive campaign rally in Pune on Sunday night

He accused the Prime Minister of financial excesses quoting from a Comptroller and Auditor General report which said that over Rs 50,000 crore of tax payers money has gone missing from governments’ kitty.

“Latest CAG report says over Rs 50,000 crore of tax payers’ money was missing from government kitty. Prime Minier Manmohan Singh is responsible for this and government has to explain where the money had gone,” he said.

He stressed the need to have a change in government at the Centre for strong and good governance of the country. Referring to the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai, he criticised the UPA government and said they had failed to act immediately and have showed ample proof of their ''spineless attitude'' to people.

''The weak UPA government has failed to address various issues facing the common man, as prices have shot up by 20 to 55 per cent in recent time,'' Modi pointed out.

“Dr Manmohan Singh, an eminent economist himself, has failed to tackle the current economic crisis and there are huge job losses and financial scams,'' Modi said, adding ''only developmental politics and not vote bank politics, initiated by the UPA government, will work,” said Modi.

He also appealed the youth to shunt out the UPA from power and vote to power the NDA, under the leadership of LK Advani, which will help generate employment opportunities for the youth.

Referring to recent statement by Pawar that a Maharashtrian should get an opportunity to become the prime ministe, Modi said by making Pratibha Patil the President, Congress employed a "shrewd ploy" to sideline the NCP president shutting doors on his prime ministerial ambitions.

“Congress has blocked Maharashtra's chances to have a prime Minister by appointing a President who hails from Maharashtra. This was a tactic of the Congress,” Modi said.

The Gujarat Chief Minister said Pawar who has spent many years in Congress failed to understand the stratagem of that party to keep him out of the race for the top post.

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