No bank defaulter will be spared, warns Modi; attacks Congress
No bank defaulter will be spared, warns Modi; attacks Congress
Modi said various fiscal policies initiated by his government had done away with middlemen, ensured development and enhanced the country's image internationally.

Rangapara (Assam): Warning that no bank defaulter will be spared, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday accused Congress of helping the rich usurp people's money and claimed his government has "tightened the screws" on the "looters" who were now fleeing due to fear of going to jail.

Hitting back after his government faced criticism over handling of Vijay Mallya case, Modi alleged that Congress was opening banks for the rich during its rule and "its governments who have through these banks filled the coffers of the rich too will have to pay".

"You know how the rich have usurped public money. My government has tightened the screws on the bank defaulters. They are sweating due to fear of going to jail and are fleeing. But no one will be spared I am telling you."

"The money looted from the banks does not belong to the banks but to the poor people of the country and I will ensure that those who looted this money return each and every paise... they have looted the country," he said addressing an election rally in Assam for the second successive day.

Modi said various fiscal policies initiated by his government had done away with middlemen, ensured development and enhanced the country's image internationally.

"The country was being run by middlemen. Since Modi assumed office, the middlemen have been forced to close shop. It is they who shout, accuse and abuse Modi but I don't care."

"There will be no 'acche din' (good days) for the middlemen and so their problem with me is natural," Modi said in a reference to his election slogan. "You have enjoyed for 60 years by robbing the poor. Now, it won't happen any more. So it is natural that you will have a problem with Modi. I am committed to ensure development and well being of the nation," the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister said that more "than 40 per cent of the population had not seen the doors of the bank during the last 60 years" but his Jan Dhan Yojana has ensured that the poorest of the poor have their own bank accounts.

Besides, earlier the money lenders were active, charging high rates of interest and "sucking the blood of the poor but our Mudra Yojana has ensured that loans are given to the deserving at nominal rate of interest".

"These policies and our agenda for development have enhanced the nation's position in the international arena and now when I shake hands with global leaders, it is not with Modi that they shake hands but with the people of the country," Modi said.

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