My wife a little more circumspect, poked her in the ribs just to see if this bag of bones was really alive and elicited a howl that settled the issue!
Abandoned and consigned to an orphanage, Doog Doog, a remarkably resilient character is fast making up for lost time - milk every two hours and potty whenever!
Being a father again after a gap of nine years is tough - sleepless nights, nappy changing, and waking up at all hours just to check if I have not trampled upon this little bundle of joy.
But the feeling is indescribable - and as my son Gabbar, all of nine summed it up - 'Pappy, this is the best present you could have ever got me - Can I have a few more?'
Which brings back poignant memories of that fateful day at the adoption agency.
Hardly had we walked in to pick up Doog Doog, that the entire orphanage seemed to come to life. Baleful faces belonging to kids ranging from 2 years to 14 looked at me and my wife as their saviours.
Never before have I felt the burning need to have Bill Gates' fortune at my disposal - Those eyes filled with hope, turning quickly to despair will haunt me for life. I only wish I could have taken them all home with me.
Which brings me back to Doog Doog who has in a short while taken over the whole household.
My cigarettes have been thrown away from the house and shortly later I followed suit- evicted from the master bedroom - my son and wife deciding that three is company and four a crowd.
The sweet smell of baby powder is back in the house, baby paraphernalia is littered liberally and my parents and in laws just see through me when they walk in making a beeline for Doog Doog - the centre of attraction.
Gabbar frowns at me if I raise my voice while Doog Doog is getting her beauty sleep and the wifey glares if I even as much as suggest a cosy moment or two!
But standing there in the backdrop, I steal a glance at my adopted daughter, see her grin at me and realise that this is that elusive happiness - otherwise an occasional episode in a general drama of pain.
first published:July 11, 2006, 11:29 ISTlast updated:July 11, 2006, 11:29 IST
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Doog Doog dropped in on March 28th and changed our lives forever! As thin as a rail, but a survivor to the core, Doog Doog, less than a month old, sized me up with a wide grin and I fell in love for the second time in my life.
My wife a little more circumspect, poked her in the ribs just to see if this bag of bones was really alive and elicited a howl that settled the issue!
Abandoned and consigned to an orphanage, Doog Doog, a remarkably resilient character is fast making up for lost time - milk every two hours and potty whenever!
Being a father again after a gap of nine years is tough - sleepless nights, nappy changing, and waking up at all hours just to check if I have not trampled upon this little bundle of joy.
But the feeling is indescribable - and as my son Gabbar, all of nine summed it up - 'Pappy, this is the best present you could have ever got me - Can I have a few more?'
Which brings back poignant memories of that fateful day at the adoption agency.
Hardly had we walked in to pick up Doog Doog, that the entire orphanage seemed to come to life. Baleful faces belonging to kids ranging from 2 years to 14 looked at me and my wife as their saviours.
Never before have I felt the burning need to have Bill Gates' fortune at my disposal - Those eyes filled with hope, turning quickly to despair will haunt me for life. I only wish I could have taken them all home with me.
Which brings me back to Doog Doog who has in a short while taken over the whole household.
My cigarettes have been thrown away from the house and shortly later I followed suit- evicted from the master bedroom - my son and wife deciding that three is company and four a crowd.
The sweet smell of baby powder is back in the house, baby paraphernalia is littered liberally and my parents and in laws just see through me when they walk in making a beeline for Doog Doog - the centre of attraction.
Gabbar frowns at me if I raise my voice while Doog Doog is getting her beauty sleep and the wifey glares if I even as much as suggest a cosy moment or two!
But standing there in the backdrop, I steal a glance at my adopted daughter, see her grin at me and realise that this is that elusive happiness - otherwise an occasional episode in a general drama of pain.
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