London: Charges of racial discrimination came to the fore again in Britain, this time in Bristol, when an angry black mother withdrew her son from a school play in which he was made to play the role of a monkey.
Thirty-year-old ethnic-origin musician Lorraine Rees and her husband, Andrew Rees have alleged that administrators of Ashley Down Infant School in Bristol were "culturally insensitive" towards her son and another boy, both aged seven.
The school has 180 pupils aged between four and seven, of who a quarter is from ethnic backgrounds.
Rees said that her son, Myles and another boy had told the organisers of the play that they wanted to play the role of hunters in the production, An Enchanted Island, but instead, they were given the parts of monkeys.
Three white children also played monkeys in the play, though they had requested for other roles, according to The Telegraph.
It was difficult for Rees and her husband explaining to Myles how blacks in Britain were often referred to as monkeys was difficult for them. He eventually said that he did not want to essay the role.
However, the school claims that no role was forced on any child. Head Teacher Helen Heap said that she was investigating the charge, but added that Rees was not reporting the facts correctly.
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