White-collar crimes: State in Top 5
White-collar crimes: State in Top 5
BHUBANESWAR: One of the poorest states in the country, Odisha is among those where incidence of white-collar crimes is highest.

BHUBANESWAR: One of the poorest states in the country, Odisha is among those where incidence of white-collar crimes is highest. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics says the State ranks among the top five for cognisable offences registered under the anti-corruption laws and other provisions of Indian Penal Code whereas in terms of economic crimes, the graph is on the rise. The transparency claims of Odisha government is based on the number of cases its Vigilance registers every year but it also indicates the propensity of the government officials to commit the white-collar offences. During 2010, the NCRB recorded at least 430 new cases placing the State at number four position in terms of  registration of cases. The value of property recovered by the anti-corruption agencies in 2010 was also among the top 10 states. If officially the number of tainted government officials is among the highest in the State, the cases of white-collar crimes are also witnessing a rise. The incidence of cases registered under criminal breach of trust has shot up. The rate of criminal breach of trust incidence has jumped by 25 per cent although the incidence of cheating and counterfeiting has dropped, though marginally. The total number of offences booked for criminal breach of trust during 2010 was 322 while over 1,100 cheating and 29 counterfeiting cases were registered last year.ECONOMIC OFFENCE WING: In view of the increasing incidence of white-collar crimes, the Odisha Government is gearing up to put in place its economic offence wing (EOW) by year-end. It is the only State which does not have a dedicated EOW yet. “We had submitted a comprehensive proposal to the Government about the organisation, duties and responsibility and manpower. The first phase of sanction has come and we will come up with the EOW once we receive some more clearances from the Government,” a senior Crime Branch official said. Most of the economic offences recorded in the State relate to small investors. Most of the cheating cases are in the sectors of micro finance where the magnitude sometimes crossed ` 1,000 crore as was the Balasore chit fund scam that rocked northern Orissa last year.  Besides, cheating cases relating to land are also high although bank frauds, scams in shares and debentures are comparatively low because of absence of financial intermediaries.

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