Cash for votes: Karnataka tops notorious states' list
Cash for votes: Karnataka tops notorious states' list
In Karnataka, 47 per cent voters took money to vote in 2008 Assembly polls.

New Delhi: A study by the Centre for Media Studies shows some disturbing facts about money power during elections.

The three most notorious states where money power plays a big game are the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

In Karnataka, 47 per cent voters accepted money to vote in 2008 Assembly elections.

The study found that urban voters were more susceptible than rural voters.

Money being used to lure voters was found to be a national phenomena and it was spread across all demographic groups - young and old, poor and rich, urban and rural.

The Centre for Media Studies estimates that Rs 1,000 crore will be spent on Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections. The study also estimates that that Andhra election will be the most expensive State Assembly election in Indian history.

According to estimates the total spending in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections would be between Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000 crore.

The Election Commission and political parties would be spending almost equal amounts during the polls.

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