Video Of Man Reuniting With His Dogs Amid Brazil Floods Will Make Your Cry
Video Of Man Reuniting With His Dogs Amid Brazil Floods Will Make Your Cry
Around 400 municipalities have been affected by the floods in the area. Hundreds of people have been forced to leave their homes, with many being injured.

The devastating floods in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul have created havoc. Until now, more than 100 people have lost their lives, leading to widespread destruction in the area. Amid the horrific visuals, a heartwarming video has been making the rounds on the internet. The video is of a man who could be seen inconsolably weeping as he was reunited with his dogs following the floods. The video has won the hearts of many on social media who have reacted to their human-dog relationship.

The video was shared on Instagram by an account named @goodnews_movement. In the clip, an old man can be seen sitting on a boat amid the waterlogging. He can be seen crying as he hugs his four dogs. The rescuers who had found his dogs can also be seen consoling the old man as he weeps his heart out after reuniting with his furry companions. The video was captioned, “Flood victim is overcome with emotion when he is reunited with his dogs. The rescuers who helped save the animals were also moved by the scene and consoled the old man. Heavy rains, which caused widespread flooding in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, have left hundreds of towns under water.” The clip also mentioned a text that read, “Flood victim is overcome with emotion when he is reunited with his dogs.”

As soon as the clip was uploaded, many people were full of emotions and expressed themselves in the comment section. One of the users wrote, “You can tell by seeing the video that the dogs also feel equally relieved to be with him.” Another user commented, “Sometimes people find more love from their pets than the people around them. I feel this man’s pain. I have two dogs who are my children, and I wouldn’t hesitate at all to risk my life for them.”

So far, the clip has received 966,000 views on Instagram.

Talking about the floods in the area, around 400 municipalities have been affected by the natural calamity. Hundreds of people have been forced to leave their homes, with many being injured.

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